SQL’s limit function retrieves the first records from a dataset (often a table). This leaves it up to the user to specify additional conditions to ensure that the dataset is correct for using limit. Many ActiveRecord query helpers (e.g., first and last) add a default order of ID ascending. This is important because rows in a database table are not guaranteed to be in chronological order.

Let’s use ActiveRecord’s first to see our oldest ten account records:

  SELECT  "accounts".* FROM "accounts" ORDER BY "accounts"."id" ASC LIMIT $1  [["LIMIT", 10]]
    [#<Account id: 1>,
     #<Account id: 7>,
     #<Account id: 78>,
     #<Account id: 158>,
     #<Account id: 256>,
     #<Account id: 512>,
     #<Account id: 768>,
     #<Account id: 1024>,
     #<Account id: 1280>,
     #<Account id: 1536>]

Account.first(10) is functionally equivalent to Account.order(id: :asc).limit(10).

To see why specifying an order is important, let’s try limit without order:

  SELECT  "accounts".* FROM "accounts" LIMIT $1  [["LIMIT", 10]]
    [#<Account id: 1>,
     #<Account id: 7>,
     #<Account id: 78>,
     #<Account id: 158>,
     #<Account id: 256>,
     #<Account id: 512>,
     #<Account id: 1024>,
     #<Account id: 1280>,
     #<Account id: 1536>,
     #<Account id: 1792>]

Account 768 is missing! If order is important, it must be specified.